Forum Horizon - 2 février 2023

These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") govern the contractual relationship between Le Temps SA, Geneva (hereinafter referred to as "Le Temps") as operator of the website "" (hereinafter referred to as "") and the users of (hereinafter referred to as the "users" or, in the singular, the "user").

Le Temps offers users the opportunity to purchase tickets for the Horizon Forum event organized by "Le Temps" on "".

By using "", the user accepts the GTC. 

1. Scope of the GTC 

1.1 The use of "" and the purchase of tickets for the Horizon Forum event (hereinafter jointly referred to as "products") are based on the GTC. 

2. Legal status of "Le Temps"

2.1 Le Temps operates "".

3. Use of 

3.1 The use of "" can be done with or without registration. 

3.2 Registered users receive access to their user account after registration.

3.3 The registration must be done with an official name (family name or company name). The address given must be the address of domicile used with regard to the authorities. Changes to the name or address must be made on the Internet in the personal user account or reported to 

3.4 Time is entitled to refuse a registration or to deactivate a registration without justification. The user will be informed by e-mail. 

3.5 The registration can be deactivated at any time by deactivating it via the participant area or by sending an e-mail to

4. Online Shop

4.1 Ordering

4.1.1 The sales contract is concluded at the time of confirmation of receipt of the order and includes all of these Terms and Conditions as well as the items selected at the time of the order.

4.1.2 Any order placed on the Le Temps online store implies acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale by the user.

4.1.3 Any order successfully completed is the subject of an e-mail confirming receipt of the order.

4.1.4 The user agrees to provide valid contact information when ordering.

4.1.5 Le Temps reserves the right to refuse any order from a user.

4.1.6 Any complaint relating to a product ordered online must be made exclusively by e-mail to

4.2 Information on products offered for sale

4.2.1 The products offered by Le Temps are non-binding offers, which are valid only while stocks last.

4.2.2 In the event of unavailability of the product ordered, in particular due to health restrictions that may occur, the user is informed and has the option of cancelling the order or requesting an exchange of the product. Le Temps shall in no way be liable for any damage suffered as a result of any product being undeliverable, out of stock or sold out.

4.3. Price and payment

4.3.1 Prices are quoted in Swiss francs (CHF), including VAT at the applicable rate; the price available at the time of the order shall apply.

4.3.2 Payment is made by credit card.

4.3.3 The rates shown under the heading "reduced rate/subscriber" are granted only to persons who have taken out a subscription with "Le Temps",, Alumni IMD, Alumni contributors EPFL, Alumni UNIL HEC & E4S supporters. In order for the "reduced rate/subscriber" price to apply, the subscription must be active at the time of the order.

4.4 Refunds

4.4.1 The event is scheduled in a face-to-face format. If the event is held digitally, no refund is due.

4.4.2 If the event is cancelled in the face-to-face & digital format, the tickets already purchased will give access to the Horizon Forum event that will take place the following year.

5. Disclaimer of Liability

5.1 Le Temps is only liable for direct damages resulting from a deliberate or negligent act on its part. Any liability on the part of "Le Temps" for direct damage caused by slight negligence and for indirect damage - irrespective of the legal grounds - is expressly excluded, subject to mandatory legal provisions. Any non-contractual liability on the part of "Le Temps" is also excluded, to the extent permitted by law.

5.2 Le Temps is not responsible, in particular, for the proper execution of contracts between users and partner companies, for contractual services mediated by it (including orders and deliveries) and for information on the products of partner companies. 

5.3 Access to "" may be temporarily interrupted or limited due to maintenance work or other reasons. Le Temps cannot be held responsible for the temporary interruption of access to the platform, for the failure of some or all functions or for the malfunctioning of 

5.4 The "" website contains links to third-party websites. These sites are not operated or controlled by Le Temps. Le Temps accepts no responsibility for the content or operation of the linked sites.

6. Intellectual property rights and other rights

6.1 Le Temps is the owner and operator of "", "" and the newspaper "Le Temps". All trademarks, names, logos, photos, visual elements, texts and other materials used on "", "" or in the newspaper "Le Temps" belong to "Le Temps" or to partner companies. The reproduction (in whole or in part), transmission (electronically or by other means), modification, linking or use of these trademarks, names, logos, photos, visual elements, texts and other materials for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written consent of "Le Temps".

7. Data protection, data processing and data security

7.1 The data protection declaration can be found at

8. General provisions

8.1 Le Temps reserves the right to amend the GTC at any time. Users are notified of changes to the GTC at an appropriate place on Subsequent changes to these GTC shall be deemed to have been accepted by the user if the user does not object to the new GTC within 14 days of becoming aware of them by sending an e-mail to

8.2 Le Temps reserves the right to deactivate "" at any time and without prior notice. This action shall not give rise to any claim by the user against "Le Temps". The deactivation of "" has no effect on the execution of contracts already concluded between users and partner companies or Le Temps.

8.3 If any of the provisions of the GTC are found to be wholly or partially invalid or ineffective, the validity and effectiveness of the remaining provisions of the GTC shall not be affected. Invalid or ineffective provisions shall be replaced by other provisions that come as close as possible to the economic meaning and purpose of the ineffective provisions. The same applies to any regulatory gaps.

9. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

9.1 The GTC shall be governed by Swiss substantive law, to the exclusion of the Swiss Federal Act on Private International Law (PILA) and the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

9.2 The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any dispute relating to these GTC, including the conclusion, validity, interpretation, performance, breach, modification or termination of the contract between the user and Le Temps, and for any extra-contractual claims in connection with these GTC, is Geneva.

Geneva, April 2021