Forum Horizon - 2 février 2023

Dear customer,

This privacy policy provides you with an overview of the personal data collected by Le Temps SA (hereinafter referred to as "Le Temps" or "we"), and the companies associated with you, on how this personal data is processed and to whom it is transmitted where applicable. You will also be provided with information on the rights you have and can exercise in accordance with data protection.

By using a Le Temps website or mobile application, you declare that you agree to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy and that you accept the privacy policy. Please read this privacy policy regularly, so that you are always aware of how your personal data is processed and how you can exercise your rights.

Some valuable information about us:

1. Who is Le Temps SA?

We are legally obliged to tell you who the data collector is. The holder of the data collection is Le Temps SA, rue Gourgas 5, 1204 Geneva. Le Temps was founded in 1998 by the merger of the Journal de Genève, the Gazette de Lausanne and Le Nouveau Quotidien. For more information:

2. What does Le Temps do?

Le Temps is a French-speaking daily newspaper published in Lausanne. It is a reference magazine in Switzerland in the fields of politics, foreign policy, culture and economy. The core business is information, competent analysis and opinion forming. 

3. What data is processed by Le Temps?

In principle, there are two categories of data that are processed when you contact us: firstly, personal data (4.1) and secondly, non-personal data (4.2).

4.1. What is personal data and what does "processing" mean?

Personal data are details that relate to you and give information about you. This includes, for example, your first and last name, postal address, e-mail address, date of birth, telephone number and other similar data. Information that cannot be linked to your person or identity is not personal data. Processing includes any handling of your personal data. This includes, but is not limited to, the recording, collection, anonymization, storage, management, use, transmission, communication or deletion of your personal data.

4.1.1. How and on what legal basis do we process your personal data?

The trust you place in us to protect your personal data and thus your personality is important to us. We would therefore like to inform you of this: We comply with the principles imposed on us by the Swiss data protection laws and, where applicable, by the European Union. This means that we will inform you in a transparent manner which personal data we process and for what purpose. We only process personal data that we receive lawfully and, where necessary, on the legal basis on which we are entitled to process it. A legal basis can be a contract, your consent, a law or a public interest that authorizes us to process the data or a legitimate interest on our part. We therefore inform you here about what we do with your personal data during each data processing. If we no longer need your personal data and we are no longer required by law to store it or if you no longer wish us to store and process it, we will cease our processing activities. You will find out in point 5 below what rights you have regarding your personal data and how you can make use of them.

4.1.2. What personal data is processed by Le Temps, when and why (purposes)?

In principle, we process your personal data whenever you come into contact with us. This is the case with Le Temps products if you: buy a subscription for one of Le Temps' products (for a newspaper or e-Paper) and have therefore concluded a contract with us or already taken out a subscription; buy products in our online store with a customer account; buy products as a guest in our online store; buy paid offers online; participate in a contest, sweepstakes, drawing, crossword puzzle (online, by SMS or with a coupon); you have signed up for an email newsletter; received advertising about our media products and services (direct marketing) use our chat function; you have registered for an event. 

 a) Subscription to a newspaper or e-paper

If you wish to take out a subscription and thus conclude a contract with us, we will store the following personal data when you place your order, irrespective of the communication channel (telephone, e-mail, coupon): Title (gender) First name Last name Address, including street number, postal code and city Telephone number (landline and mobile) E-mail address We process this personal data for the entire duration of the subscription for the following purposes: for the fulfilment and processing of contractual and legal obligations (e.g. delivery of the newspaper); for the management and maintenance of the customer relationship (e.g. change of address); for billing. We process this personal data for the duration of the subscription for the following purposes: to fulfill and process contractual and legal obligations (e.g. delivery of the newspaper); to manage and maintain the customer relationship (e.g. change of address); for billing purposes. We also process the following personal data in order to be able to provide you with further offers concerning Le Temps products and services: for marketing purposes, i.e. we send you advertising by post, telephone, e-mail or SMS concerning other Le Temps products. You may object to this processing at any time (see point 5.5). 

b) Purchasing a product in our online store with a customer account

If you wish to purchase a product (subscriptions, e-paper, tickets, etc.) in our online store, you can do so by registering with the Le Temps registration and login service. In order to provide you with the e-paper following your registration with Le Temps, we collect the following additional personal data: customer number (optional) We also process the following personal data in order to be able to provide you with other offers concerning Le Temps products and services: for marketing purposes, i.e. we send you advertising by post, telephone, e-mail or SMS concerning other Le Temps products. You may object to this processing at any time (see point 5.5). If, when purchasing a product, you choose an online payment option, e.g. purchase by credit card, payment is made via an online payment system of the relevant supplier. The processing of personal and payment data takes place in this case directly via the provider of the respective payment system. We do not know or store your payment data. Please note that in such a case, the privacy policy of the provider of the online payment system is applicable.

c) Purchase of a product as a guest in our online store

When you purchase products as a guest in our online store we collect the following personal data, regardless of the means of communication (website, telephone, e-mail): Title (gender) Company (optional) First name Last name Address, including street number, postal code and city Email address We process this personal data for the entire duration of the subscription for the following purposes: for the fulfilment and processing of contractual and legal obligations (e.g. delivery of the newspaper, access to the e-paper); for billing. If, when purchasing a product, you choose an online payment option, e.g. purchase by credit card, payment is made via an online payment system of the respective supplier. The processing of personal and payment data takes place in this case directly via the provider of the respective payment system. We do not know or store your payment data. Please note that in such a case, the privacy policy of the provider of the online payment system is applicable. 

d) Purchase of paid online content

Some of Le Temps' digital content is subject to a fee. If you choose an online payment option when purchasing paid digital content, e.g. purchase by credit card, payment is made via an online payment system of the respective provider. The processing of personal and payment data takes place in this case directly via the provider of the respective payment system. We do not know or store your payment data. Please note that in such a case, the privacy policy of the provider of the online payment system is applicable. 

e) Contests, sweepstakes, drawings, crossword puzzles

If you take part in a competition, a prize draw or a prize draw by means of a coupon or online, or if you find the solution to our crossword puzzle and send the solution, the following personal data are normally collected: Title (gender) First name Last name Address, including street number, postal code and city Telephone number (landline or mobile) E-mail address We process your personal data for the following purposes: for the prize draw for the winner; for the publication of the winner's personal data. We also process the following personal data in order to be able to provide you with further offers concerning Le Temps products and services: for the development and maintenance of the relationship with you; for marketing purposes, i.e. we send you advertising by post, telephone, e-mail or SMS concerning other similar products from Le Temps. You may object to this processing at any time (see point 5.5).

f) Newsletter by e-mail

If you have consented to your e-mail address being used for advertising purposes, we will send you a regular newsletter to draw your attention to other offers and services from Le Temps. You can object to this processing of your e-mail address in the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link at the end of the newsletter and thus unsubscribing.

g) Advertising of our media products and services (direct marketing)

In order to be able to provide you with further offers concerning Le Temps products and services, we process your personal data (see point 2) also for marketing purposes. This means that we send you advertising by post, telephone, e-mail or SMS about other products and services. For customer acquisition purposes, we also collect personal data from publicly available sources (addresses) and obtain them from professional third-party suppliers. You can object at any time to the processing of your personal data generally for these purposes or in relation to a specific product or service (see section 5.5). 

h) Chat

If you register for the chat function on our website, the following personal data will be collected: First name Last name E-mail address We process your personal data for the following purposes: to inform you if your question is answered; to check access authorizations and to manage the user account. We also process the following personal data in order to be able to provide you with further offers concerning Le Temps products and services: for marketing purposes, i.e. we send you advertising by post, telephone, e-mail or SMS concerning other similar Le Temps products. You may object to this processing at any time (see point 5.5).

i) Event registration

If you have registered for an event, the following personal data is collected: First name Last name Email address City Occupation We process your personal data for the following purposes: in order to be able to process your registration for the relevant event and to send you information about it; for the verification of access authorizations and the management of the user account; for statistical purposes. We also process the following personal data in order to be able to provide you with further offers concerning Le Temps products and services: for marketing purposes, i.e. we send you advertising by post, telephone, e-mail or SMS concerning other similar Le Temps products. You may object to this processing at any time (see point 5.5). 

4.1.3. Transmission of personal data to third parties

All personal data collected when you contact Le Temps may be processed for the purposes mentioned above, in particular for marketing purposes. You may object to this transfer and processing at any time (see point 5.5). Your personal data may also be passed on to third parties outside Le Temps, who may use technical and organizational services on behalf of Le Temps that we need to fulfill the above-mentioned purposes or general business activity. This may include, for example, a hosting partner, a printing company or a delivery service. These service providers are contractually obliged to process your personal data exclusively on our behalf and in accordance with our regulations and to guarantee their protection by means of appropriate technical and organizational security measures. These service providers are mainly located in Switzerland and in the European Union, where appropriate protection of your personal data is provided. If a service provider is located in a country whose data protection laws do not guarantee a protection of personal data comparable to that of Switzerland, we contractually commit these service providers to comply with the Swiss data protection level respectively of the U.S. companies obliged to be certified according to the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield. Any other transfer, transmission or sale of your personal data to third parties outside Le Temps is excluded, unless this is necessary for the processing of a contract you have concluded with Le Temps or you have expressly given your consent. The disclosure of personal data under the law, for example to a criminal prosecution authority, in order to pursue and detect illegal activities, remains reserved.

4.2. Non-personal data

When you contact us, we and third parties collect non-personal data on our websites and in our applications by means of various technologies.

4.2.1. What is non-personal data and why do we process it?

Non-personal data is information that cannot be associated with your person or identity. In principle, we do not link this data to your personal data. This data is therefore anonymous to us. We collect and process this data in order to continuously improve our products and services and to adapt them to your needs, to identify trends and to create and evaluate statistics on the use of our digital offerings. This data is also used to provide you with a good advertising experience. We assume that you appreciate our informative and entertaining media products and are willing to pay for them. Our offers and services are therefore financed either by the paying reader (subscriber) or by advertising. You will find advertising not only in the press but also in our free online products. You have the possibility to forbid the processing of non-personal data at any time. How to do this is described in section 4.3. In the following chapters, you will also find the corresponding links for deactivating certain technologies. 

4.2.2. What technologies do we use and why are they used at Le Temps?

We use the following technologies:  

 a) Cookies

On our websites and mobile applications, we and third parties use cookies. A cookie is a short text file that is stored on your computer when you use one of our websites. Cookies can be divided into session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies can be used to track the websites you visit and other options you use. A session cookie is stored only for the duration of your visit to the Internet, i.e. for a single Internet session. When you close your Internet browser, the session ends and the cookie is deleted. Permanent cookies can be used, among other things, to recognize you when you visit one of our web pages again and to identify your reading preferences, for example. A permanent cookie is stored for a longer period than the visit. Cookies can be further divided into functional and non-functional cookies. Le Temps uses both functional and non-functional cookies on its websites. Functional cookies are necessary to ensure the functionality of our web pages or services. Non-functional cookies are not necessary for the functionality of the web pages. This type of cookie is used to capture and analyze data about the use of the web pages or mobile applications (language preferences, length of a user session, etc.) so that we can improve the reading and advertising experience. In order to be able to offer you tailored direct marketing and to avoid advertisements that do not interest you, as well as to orient our products and services to your interests, the following cookies are used, for example, to analyze your behavior: We use the "Tealium Audience Stream", a service of Tealium Inc. 11085 Torreyana Road, San Diego, CA 92121, USA (Tealium) which collects and stores data that allows us to create usage profiles with pseudonyms. Tealium uses this information on our behalf to create an automated and responsive use of the website in real time. For this purpose, the following information is collected for example: ads, articles, advertising, number of users, page subject, etc. seen and clicked. The usage profiles are not linked to your personal data. The IP address transmitted by your browser is not associated with the usage profiles either. Cookies or similar technologies for mobile devices are used to create usage profiles. You can prevent the saving of cookies by adjusting your browser software (see point 4.3); however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of this website. Furthermore, you can object to the collection and storage of data for web analysis purposes at any time with effect for the future by following the notice under Our web pages use a tag management system (TMS), a service of Tealium Inc, 11085 Torreyana Road, San Diego, CA 92121, USA (Tealium), to dynamically adapt the elements of the web pages. To enable this functionality, a cookie named utag_main is set. The TMS is necessary for the provision of the service and cannot be deactivated. Our web pages also use "" from Parsely Inc, East 33rd Street, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10016, USA (hereinafter referred to as "Parsely"), for the optimization of the content alignment. For the analysis of the use of the websites, certain usage data is collected and evaluated by and transmitted by your browser, e.g. duration of use of the website (mouse activity), loading times of the website, browser window and screen resolution as well as cookies (activated/deactivated). To capture this usage data, may use one or more cookies (see above about cookies). This allows us to obtain only statistical, aggregated, non-personal data. You can object to the collection or evaluation of your data by this tool by visiting: You can find more information about and data protection at Parsely here: Ringier's technology enables the collection of non-personal data on our web pages and mobile applications via cookies. This data is not combined with non-personal data. We do not create any personal profiles or carry out any profiling within the meaning of the Data Protection Act. We use this data to analyze the behavior of our customers with certain products and services in order to establish non-personal interest groups and to be able to offer advertising and content better tailored to these interest groups. You can object to the data processing described above by clicking Thanks to Admeira AG's technology, cookies collect anonymous web tracking data on Le Temps' Internet pages and mobile applications. In addition, your IP address will be made accessible to Swisscom (Switzerland) SA. If you are a customer of Swisscom (Switzerland) SA, the service provider may, under certain conditions, transmit your anonymized information to Admeira SA in encrypted form. You can object to this data processing by clicking on the following link: You can find more information at In addition, Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd. customers have the option of determining how their data is processed at Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd. In addition, you are free to set your browser to reject cookies in general (see point 4.3). Using technology developed by AG (, data is collected on our websites for the purpose of optimizing the display of advertising. For this purpose, stores the frequency of your visits to various areas in cookies. These cookies are stored on the browser of your computer (PC, laptop, smartphone, etc.) for a maximum of 26 weeks.'s technology collects raw information about your Internet usage in order to determine the type of advertisements that are most likely to interest you. If you would like to receive advertising on the websites you visit that is relevant to your interests via AG technology, you can give your consent (Opt-In: to the further analysis of your browsing data according to the topics. When you give your consent, this Opt-In cookie is stored on the browser of your device. The storage period is 1 year. If information was collected prior to your consent by cookies placed on the browser of your device, the Opt-In cookies operate as follows: by means of your consent, the lifetime of the cookies already installed is extended by a maximum of one year (starting from the date of deposit of these cookies). Thus, once you have given your consent, the information collected by the cookies prior to the Opt-out is retained until the end of the lifetime of the cookies, and deleted after a maximum of one year. You can prevent the collection of this navigation data by the system at any time by objecting to it (link to the Opt-Out cookie: You can revoke a consent already given with effect for the future at any time. An opt-out cookie is also stored on the browser of your device for a period of 10 years. It is called "nuggstopp" and is installed by "". Targeted advertisements appearing on a website based on data collected by technology can be identified by a pictogram. Clicking on this icon will take you to the page. This will provide you with further information on data protection at and you can see on the theme monitor how your interests are evaluated on the basis of your past surfing behaviour. Our website also uses "Google Analytics", a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). The use includes the operating mode "Universal Analytics". This makes it possible, when the user is logged into a Google service, to assign data, sessions and interactions between several devices to a user ID in the form of a pseudonym and thus to analyze the user's activities on all devices. Google Analytics uses cookies. The non-personal information generated by the cookie about your use of our website is generally transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The IP addresses are, however, anonymized in advance by means of IP anonymization. The anonymized IP address transmitted by your browser within the framework of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. At our request, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide us with services in connection with the use of the website and the Internet. You can find more information on the terms of use and data protection at You can prevent the storage of cookies with the appropriate settings in your browser (see point 4.3). An overview of the most commonly used tracking tools can be found here. We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our users and to improve the experience and services offered on our site. Hotjar's technology helps us better understand our users' experiences (e.g., how long users spend on which pages, what links they click, what they like and dislike, etc.) and how we can improve our site. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect information about the behavior of our users and their end devices, including device IP address (only collected and stored anonymously during your use of the website), screen size, device type (Unique Device Identifiers), information about the browser used, location (country only), preferred language for viewing our website. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymous user profile. Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling the data collected on our behalf. For more information, see the "About Hotjar" section of the Hotjar help page. If you wish to opt out of Hotjar's information collection, click on the following link and follow the instructions there:

b) Log files

During the use of web pages or mobile applications, web servers record impersonal usage data, so-called log files. Log files provide information about your IP address, the operating system used, the websites you visit, the browser type and version, the time of day and the file requested. This information is technically necessary in order to provide you with the correct contents of the Internet pages and is mandatory during the use of the Internet. This anonymous data is stored separately from any personal data you may have provided and does not allow you to be identified. We statistically analyze impersonal usage data in order to optimize our website and the underlying technology, to identify trends and to improve and tailor our offers and products to your needs.

c) Elements of other websites, e.g. plug-ins

Elements of third-party providers (e.g. social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Youtube) may be used on our websites and mobile applications. If you click on an element of a third-party provider (e.g. Facebook "Like"), a connection may be automatically established with the servers of this third-party provider. This may result in data about your visit to our website or mobile application being transmitted to the third-party provider. Depending on the circumstances, this data may be assigned to your user account with the third-party provider (e.g. Facebook or Twitter account). If you have approved this function with the third-party provider, the third-party provider may additionally transmit personal data (last name, first name and email address) from your user account to Le Temps. Information on the collection and use of data by third-party providers can be found in the data protection information of the respective third-party provider.

4.3. How do I disable cookies?

a) Cookie settings By using our web pages and applications, you agree to the processing of data about you in the manner described and for the purposes mentioned above. However, you can control and/or delete cookies at any time by using the above-mentioned opt-out links. Most Internet browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you are free to set your browser to reject cookies in general by selecting "Do not accept any cookies" in your browser settings or by having your browser ask you beforehand whether you accept a cookie from a visited web page. You also have the option of deleting cookies on your computer or mobile device by selecting the corresponding function in your browser. Remember that you can disable or delete cookies on all your devices. Please note that deleting cookies in the browser may result in the deletion of an Opt-out cookie, such as the Admeira cookie. This means that if you wanted to activate an Opt-out cookie and you have deleted all cookies, the Opt-out cookie must be activated again the next time you visit the website in question. Otherwise, you will be identified as a new user and will have to re-enter your data. Remember that you can deactivate cookies on all your devices. If you have chosen one of the options described, you will not be able to fully use all the functions of the website. In this connection, we would also like to point out that there is no possibility of objecting to general advertisements on our web pages or in our applications. 

5. What are your rights regarding your personal data?

Your personal data belong to you. You are therefore entitled to choose how your personal data is processed and you can find out what happens to your personal data at any time. According to the Data Protection Act, you have the following rights:

5.1. Right of access

Under the Data Protection Act, you have the right to know, free of charge, whether and what personal data Le Temps processes about you. You must send us your request for information in writing with a copy of your identity card. You can also send us an e-mail ( by scanning the copy or by sending us a letter to Le Temps SA, Customer Service Center, Brühlstrasse 5, 4800 Zofingen.

5.2. Right to rectify your personal data

The Data Protection Act provides that you have the right to rectify your personal data at any time if you notice that incorrect data is being processed. If you wish to have your personal data rectified, please write an e-mail to or send us a letter to the following address Le Temps SA, Customer Service Center, Brühlstrasse 5, 4800 Zofingen. Do not forget to enclose a copy of your identity card.

5.3. Right to have your personal data deleted

If the processing of your personal data is no longer necessary, e.g. because there is no longer a contractual relationship with Le Temps, or if you no longer agree with the processing of your personal data, you have the right to demand that your data be deleted. We will delete your data provided that we have no other obligation to retain your personal data, e.g. the legal obligation to retain. You can request the deletion of your data in the following way: by sending us an e-mail to or a letter to Le Temps SA, Customer Service Center, Brühlstrasse 5, 4800 Zofingen. Please enclose a copy of your identity card with your request for deletion.

5.4. Right to limit the processing of your personal data

You have the right to limit the processing of your personal data at any time, provided that we do not have any other obligation to store your personal data, e.g. the legal storage obligation. If you wish to limit the processing of your personal data, please send an e-mail to or send us a letter to the following address Le Temps SA, Customer Service Center, Brühlstrasse 5, 4800 Zofingen. Do not forget to enclose a copy of your identity card.  

5.5. Right to object

Where we have permission to process your personal data, you are entitled to revoke your consent or to express your refusal at any time. If the processing of your personal data is useful for marketing or advertising purposes, you can revoke your consent to the processing for these purposes in general or for certain products or services at any time. Furthermore, you have the possibility to object at any time to the receipt of advertising and the processing of your personal data for marketing and advertising purposes, where we do so on the basis of our legitimate interest in continuously improving our product and service offerings. In such a case, we will not collect or process your personal data for this purpose in the future. You can exercise your right to object by sending an e-mail to or a letter to Le Temps SA, Customer Service Center, Brühlstrasse 5, 4800 Zofingen. Please enclose a copy of your identity card with your request. The information in point 4.3 is decisive for the objection to the processing of non-personal data. In this connection, we would like to point out that there is no possibility of objecting to general advertisements on websites. This is the same type of advertising that you find in the print media or in a magazine.

5.6. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority if you believe that a processing of your personal data does not comply with data protection principles. You may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in the country in which you have your habitual residence or place of work, or in the place or country where the violation has occurred. 

5.7. How you can protect your children

Together, we want to ensure that future generations become responsible digital citizens. Since children are not aware of the risks and consequences of processing your personal data and probably do not know their rights in this respect, special protection must be provided when it comes to their personal data. This of course also applies to the use of personal data for advertising purposes. Therefore, you will find age limits and notes on the age of protection in all our terms of participation. You can find information and tips on media management here:

6. Data security

Le Temps operates secure data networks that meet the applicable technical standards. Appropriate technical and organizational measures are in place to consciously protect your data against loss, destruction, falsification, manipulation or other unauthorized access by third parties. Although Le Temps uses all necessary means to prevent the disclosure of data due to errors in data transfer and/or unauthorized access by third parties, it is not liable for such undesirable events.

7. Who can you contact?

You have several possibilities to contact us: If you have a question about data protection, you can send us an e-mail to Of course, you can also send a letter to our data protection officer: Le Temps SA, Datenschutz, Flurstrasse 55, 8048 Zürich. If you have a question about your subscription or any other customer relationship with us, you can send an e-mail to or a letter to Le Temps, Customer Service Center, Brühlstrasse 5, 4800 Zofingen. You can also reach our Customer Service Center by phone at 0848 48 48 05. 

8. Legal basis

For the processing of your personal data, we take into account not only the Swiss Data Protection Act and its regulations, but also, where applicable, the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union.

9. Changes and consent to the privacy policy

Time adapts this Privacy Policy to new or changing needs. You can access the new version in the appropriate sections. The current privacy policy published by us is applicable. By continuing to browse the Le Temps website or mobile applications, users agree to the current privacy policy.

April 2021 version